2025 Spyglass Gardens is celebrating 25 years of Growing For You!
Owned and operated by Steve and Wendy Smith, Spyglass Gardens has become a unique family-owned farm. Established in 2000, Spyglass Gardens, has been nurtured a an All-Natural farm. No harmful pesticides or herbicides are used in the greenhouse or on the fields. Spyglass Motto: Ensuring the lands are nurtured with natural amendments for growth and ultimately richer in nutrients for our foods we grow. From Arugula to Zucchini Spyglass Gardens CSA Baskets are full tasty nutritious produce. Enduring sore muscles, lots of sweat and tears, but always experiencing tons of Joy. "Spyglass" is a true testament to hard work and loving the earth our God and Savior has provided.
Spyglass has evolved over the years, adding a commercial size greenhouse as allowed for more Custom Grown Flower Containers of all shapes and sizes. Not only are all the vegetable plants for the field grown from seed but thousands of flowers are started in early February. By March, the "Glory B" (greenhouse named after Wendy's mom) is blooming with life. Hanging baskets from small to 20" hanging from above while the propagating tables are packed with flowers and vegetable plants of all kinds.
CSA PROGRAM - Become a member of our farm and enjoy 11 weeks of fresh picked All Natural produce. Share cost $425.00 - Email spyglassgardens@gmail.com for contract and Join Today!
Custom Grow Program offers customized containers for home or commercial needs. Designed specifically for you and your environment these containers are filled with all natural, locally grown flora. Bring your empty pots, vessels, and hanging baskets and we will create beautiful hanging gardens especially for you! If you don't have any vessels, don't worry, we offer all sizes for hanging baskets and many vessels. Spring Summer or Fall we can enhance your home, office or favorite getaway. Please call for details on how we can help you create your colorful enhancement.
Mother's Day Tour de Farm - 2025 Date "May 9-11 Come enjoy a stroll about the farm, select from many hanging baskets, unique flower containers, veggie starts, herbs and flowers. Please wear comfortable shoes and No Pets Please. Children are always welcome but must be supervised. Super fun for all!
All-Natural Produce Bulk Sales for the preserver - Berries Late June to mid July, August times Tomatoes, Peppers, Fruits of Peaches Apples and Pears...Call to get on the list for your favorites.
Spyglass Gardens is not open to the public daily
Events will be posted on our calendar - or give us a call and make an appointment that is convenient for you !